拍摄时间 📅Mar 16, 2024
拍摄地点 📍美国,加州,旧金山国际机场上空USA, California, SFO Airport
简介 📖小伙伴驾驶一架Cessna 172 小飞机,带着我穿越旧金山国际机场(SFO)上空时,我拍下了这张照片。SFO周围的B类空域(Class Bravo Airspace)十分繁忙,充满了商业航班的大飞机。尤其是SFO的正上方2000英尺左右的空域,通常来说管制员可能不会允许小飞机进入。那天晚上我们运气很不错,管制员同意了我们在以2000英尺的高度穿越SFO机场。于是我们从低空以一个非常棒的角度欣赏了SFO的夜景。
My friend was piloting a Cessna 172, and I took this photo as we flew over San Francisco International Airport (SFO).The Class Bravo airspace around SFO is incredibly busy, filled with large commercial aircrafts....
拍摄时间 📅May 8, 2019
拍摄地点 📍上海Shanghai, China
简介 📖上海是我长大成人的所在,带着我所有的情怀。第一次干杯,头一回恋爱,在永远的纯真年代。——《喜欢上海的理由》
Shanghai, the place where I grew up tall,Where every emotion was held, embracing it all.The first glass raised, the first love’s bloom,In a time of innocence, forever in tune.
On the other side of Shanghai, what lake, what bay?Is it the wandering ship from afar, finally home today?
O my hometown,O my beloved.Sinc...
拍摄时间 📅Mar 9, 2024
拍摄地点 📍日本,熊本县,原水站Japan, Kumamoto Pref., Haramizu Sta.
简介 📖原水站(日语:原水駅/はらみずえき)位于熊本县菊池郡菊阳町,是九州旅客铁道(JR九州)「丰肥本线」上的一座无人车站,设有2面2线的侧式站台。
The “Haramizu Station” (Japanese: 原水駅/はらみずえき) is a station located in Kikuyō Town, Kikuchi District, Kumamoto Prefecture. It is an unmanned station on the “Hōhi Main Line” operated by JR Kyūshū, with two side platforms serving...
拍摄时间 📅Feb 27, 2024.
拍摄地点 📍日本,三浦海岸Japan, Miura Kaigan
简介 📖河津樱是樱花的一种,河津樱花之所以出名,是由于日本大部分地区都要等到3月中才是正值开花期,而河津樱花比其他品种早一个月开花,大约在2月上旬至3月上旬绽放。
神奈川县三浦市从三浦海岸站到小松池公园的路上种植了约 1,000 棵河津樱花。
Kawazu Sakura is a type of cherry blossom. The reason why Kawazu Sakura is famous is that most areas in Japan have to wait until mid-March to bloom. Kawazu Sakura blooms one month earlier than other varieties, about early February to Blooms in early March.
Approximately 1,000 Kawazu cherry trees are planted along the...