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拍摄时间 📅Mar 16, 2024 拍摄地点 📍美国,加州,旧金山国际机场上空USA, California, SFO Airport 简介 📖小伙伴驾驶一架Cessna 172 小飞机,带着我穿越旧金山国际机场(SFO)上空时,我拍下了这张照片。SFO周围的B类空域(Class Bravo Airspace)十分繁忙,充满了商业航班的大飞机。尤其是SFO的正上方2000英尺左右的空域,通常来说管制员可能不会允许小飞机进入。那天晚上我们运气很不错,管制员同意了我们在以2000英尺的高度穿越SFO机场。于是我们从低空以一个非常棒的角度欣赏了SFO的夜景。 My friend was piloting a Cessna 172, and I took this photo as we flew over San Francisco International Airport (SFO).The Class Bravo airspace around SFO is incredibly busy, filled with large commercial aircrafts....
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拍摄时间 📅May 8, 2019 拍摄地点 📍上海Shanghai, China 简介 📖上海是我长大成人的所在,带着我所有的情怀。第一次干杯,头一回恋爱,在永远的纯真年代。——《喜欢上海的理由》 Shanghai, the place where I grew up tall,Where every emotion was held, embracing it all.The first glass raised, the first love’s bloom,In a time of innocence, forever in tune. 上海的那头,是什么湖,哪道湾?是漂泊多久的远洋船儿,终于靠岸?——《上海的那头》 On the other side of Shanghai, what lake, what bay?Is it the wandering ship from afar, finally home today? 故乡哟故乡,爱人哟爱人。既然都忘不掉,不如就装着吧。——《道别是一件难事》 O my hometown,O my beloved.Sinc...
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拍摄时间 📅Mar 9, 2024 拍摄地点 📍日本,熊本县,原水站Japan, Kumamoto Pref., Haramizu Sta. 简介 📖原水站(日语:原水駅/はらみずえき)位于熊本县菊池郡菊阳町,是九州旅客铁道(JR九州)「丰肥本线」上的一座无人车站,设有2面2线的侧式站台。 菊阳町当地特产萝卜,因此站牌上有一个萝卜的图案。原水站曾经周围都是荒地,当地曾在此处开辟水道以开垦农田,站名也就因此取自「原野の中の水」而得名。现在车站附近设有台积电熊本工厂以及其他许多半导体芯片相关产业的公司。 今年3月拜访好友经过此站。 The “Haramizu Station” (Japanese: 原水駅/はらみずえき) is a station located in Kikuyō Town, Kikuchi District, Kumamoto Prefecture. It is an unmanned station on the “Hōhi Main Line” operated by JR Kyūshū, with two side platforms serving...
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拍摄时间 📅Nov 19, 2023 拍摄地点 📍美国,加州,旧金山都会区上空USA, California, San Francisco 简介 📖小伙伴驾驶一架Cessna 182 小飞机,带我在旧金山上空观光。 My friend flew a Cessna 182 plane and took me sightseeing over San Francisco Bay Area.
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拍摄时间 📅Feb 27, 2024. 拍摄地点 📍日本,三浦海岸Japan, Miura Kaigan 简介 📖河津樱是樱花的一种,河津樱花之所以出名,是由于日本大部分地区都要等到3月中才是正值开花期,而河津樱花比其他品种早一个月开花,大约在2月上旬至3月上旬绽放。 神奈川县三浦市从三浦海岸站到小松池公园的路上种植了约 1,000 棵河津樱花。 Kawazu Sakura is a type of cherry blossom. The reason why Kawazu Sakura is famous is that most areas in Japan have to wait until mid-March to bloom. Kawazu Sakura blooms one month earlier than other varieties, about early February to Blooms in early March. Approximately 1,000 Kawazu cherry trees are planted along the...
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拍摄时间 📅Nov 26, 2022 简介我新领养的一只猫,拍照时大概9个月大。我给他起名叫「神兜兜」。「神兜兜(神抖抖)」是一个上海话词汇,用来形容一个人「过分得意」「自我感觉良好」的样子。用来形容一只调皮捣蛋的猫再适合不过了。 My newly adopted cat. He was about 9 months old when the photo was taken.I named him “ShenDoudou”.